Job plan

Plan tasks and be prepared for unforeseen challenges with Jobplan

Do you have an overview of your jobs and resources?

It can be difficult to manage all the planned tasks and at the same time take into account urgent and unforeseen jobs.

Job plan is both for the operator

Plan the annual cycle, coordinate jobs, get a good overview of employees and jobs.

But also to the operations officer

Get an overview of upcoming jobs, assign jobs to your weekly schedule and coordinate with your team.

“I get a quick overview of work tasks, so I always know if someone has too many tasks or too few. It allows me to be more considerate of my staff and to get my priorities right.”

EnviDrift Jobplan gives you the big picture.

Then you can customize plans to suit individual needs.


Do you reach your tasks on time?
Plan your annual cycle or upcoming tasks in Jobplan

Get an overview

Critical or unforeseen job to be done?
Job Plan helps you find the right employee and customize the plan

Optimize resources

Do you have enough resources to achieve your tasks?
Get an overview of the workload of your teams or staff


Watch the video to get a demonstration of the flexible Jobplan functionalities that can be customized to your unique needs.


  • Customization of columns, filters and sorting of jobs
  • View and edit a person responsible for the job
  • Show and edit execution date
  • The calendar can be displayed as days, weeks or months and provides an overview of jobs
  • See the breakdown of jobs by staff/teams

Contact me
for more information

Iben Munk Bjerg

Teamleder Product Management & Innovation

+45 26 82 53 35