
Ask us if you need advice on:

As a sparring partner for Danish utilities, municipalities and developers, we design and plan the drainage systems of the future. We are experts in hydraulic calculations, planning, pumping technology and SUDS solutions, which largely define the way we develop drainage systems today.

Thorough analysis and modeling work is essential for us when delivering structural, wastewater and sewer renewal plans. That’s why we have a large, specialized team of hydraulic engineers who use the latest modelling tools to ensure an optimal decision-making basis for drainage projects.

We have a dedicated civil engineering team with extensive experience in design, tendering and supervision. For example, we solve civil engineering projects with difficult soil conditions, high groundwater levels, deep excavations or poorly founded buildings. We find the best solutions based on cost, time and quality, and we always make sure to consult with our customers. During the execution phase, we lace up our safety shoes and put on our work jacket and safety helmet to ensure optimal construction management and site supervision.

We are specialists in pumping technology

One of our core competencies is pump technology, where we do our utmost to deliver an optimal pump technical design. We prepare analyses in close dialog with the client and suppliers, and we involve our entire range of specialists, including mechanical, civil, electrical and SRO engineers. We also design in 3D, which provides the best conditions for making the right choice the first time, as the 3D drawings give all parties a good visual overview of the project.

When we advise and design, we do so both in traditional collaborative constellations and through partnering. We are one of Denmark’s most experienced advisory firms when it comes to partnering. We have been part of the partnership cooperation in Aarhus Vand since 2006 and also have extensive experience from other utilities such as Hillerød, Halsnæs and Silkeborg Forsyning and VandCenter Syd.

Get help with your wastewater planning

At Envidan, we have strong professional competencies in all planning disciplines, and therefore we can deliver integrated solutions that are buildable and realizable. We prepare wastewater, structural and climate adaptation plans with a focus on all stakeholders, and we have prepared wastewater plans for more than half of the country’s municipalities as well as numerous supplements and updates. Involvement is paramount when we draw up plans, and we ensure ownership and anchoring through workshops and collaborations across municipalities, citizens and utilities.

Among other things, we prepare wastewater plans in GIDAS, which is a dynamic digital wastewater plan that can be easily and simply accessed via our EnviPortal.

GIDAS handles all data from e.g. MapInfo, FAS, DANDAS, BBR etc. and has a GIS part as well as a database part, so graphics and data are fully integrated. In this way, the plan is dynamic, as corrections in the graphics are automatically reflected in the schedule part. GIDAS handles the statutory PULS reporting to the Environment Portal and upload to DIADEM.

The construction of utilities is a natural extension of our planning services

Project planning, tendering, construction management and professional supervision in connection with. establishment of sewerage systems is an essential part of our business within drainage and climate adaptation.

We use all known methods for the construction and rehabilitation of the sewer system, including experts in sewer projects using NoDig methods, including controlled drilling, as well as tunneling and sump lining. In these projects, we often work in a multidisciplinary way, collaborating with geotechnical engineers, structural engineers and road engineers, for example.

Contact me
for more information

Karina Buus

Business Director

+45 2948 7945