Nature and aquatic environment

Ask us if you need help with:

No matter where you are in Denmark, water is never far away. The small country is surrounded by sea, has countless lakes and green river valleys, and is criss-crossed by thousands of kilometers of waterways. However, the majority of Denmark’s watercourses have been physically altered over time, through dredging, straightening, and crop cutting, and this has degraded the plant and animal life.

Across the world, we see our nature, aquatic environment and ecosystems suffering due to climate change and human activity, and more than ever we need to take care of the nature and aquatic environment that surrounds us. This is true both from a conservation and enhancement perspective, but it is also an important parameter when it comes to agriculture, urban development and climate protection.

At Envidan, we work to ensure the sound management and restoration of rivers, lakes and river valleys. Our experts in the field range from biologists and geologists to agricultural technologists and engineers, ensuring that all aspects of a project are covered. We consult and offer turnkey contracts within nature and aquatic environment based on the latest professional knowledge and regulatory requirements, and you can involve our specialists in all phases of a project.

Contact me
for more information

Esben Astrup Kristensen

Markedschef, Natur & Vandmiljø

+45 60 23 83 65

Need assistance on nature restoration projects?

At Envidan, we are experts in restoring watercourses, lakes and wetlands. Our specialists within the field have many years of experience in designing solutions on both small and large scale – from projects along small streams to projects in large wetlands covering hundreds of hectares. Nature restoration concerns active modification of an area in order to improve nature and bring the area closer to its original state. At the same time, many nature restoration projects also serve the purpose of retaining phosphorus, nitrogen and CO2.

Wetland project, which aims to reduce the discharge of nitrogen into the Limfjord by means of flooding with stream water, recirculating streams, sprinkling with drainage water and extensification of areas.

Want to know more?

Kasper Abildtrup Rasmussen
+45 40428275

We deliver:

  • Feasibility studies and detailed design of nature restoration projects.
  • Impact assessments against the objectives of the Water Framework Directive. Envidan’s experts have contributed to the development of the biological indicators used to assess ecological quality and can therefore offer consulting aimed at ensuring that river restorations take care of animals, fish and plants.
  • Model calculations and hydrological consequence maps of future drainage of the area. We carry out everything from simple calculations in VASP and Mike HydroRiver to complex dynamic calculations in the MIKE programs and HECRAS.
  • Real estate feasibility studies, combining biological and regulatory skills with a strong agricultural knowledge.
  • Substance calculations according to the requirements of the governmental project pools: nitrogen wetlands, phosphorus wetlands and lowland projects.
  • Turnkey contracts

We deliver consulting on river restoration and management

There are approximately 69,000 km of small and large watercourses in Denmark, and almost 90 % of these have been regulated, straightened or dug down over time, deteriorating the living conditions for the diversity of animals and plants living in and around the watercourses. Fortunately, over the past 30 years, more gentle crop cutting, river restoration and reduced wastewater impacts have improved the natural and environmental status of many Danish watercourses, and today around 30 % of Danish watercourses meet the requirements of the Water Framework Directive as regard to good ecological status. Things are moving in the right direction, but a lot is yet to be done.

At Envidan, we have the necessary competencies to develop professionally robust solutions that meet the needs of river biology and legislation through the latest knowledge.



We deliver:

  • River restoration, feasibility studies, detailed design, tendering and supervision.
  • All kinds of water level calculations. We can calculate in MIKE HydroRiver, VASP and HECRAS. We carry out drainage consequence maps for wetland or watercourse projects.
  • Physical and biological surveys of watercourses, e.g. to determine whether the objective has been met and to assess what is needed to achieve the objective.
  • Biological accounts in relation to emissions of environmentally beneficial substances.
  • Impact assessment of hydraulic loads or reduced water flow.
  • Turnkey contracts regarding watercourse regulations and consultancy on the choice of regulation type, hydraulic calculations, preparation of regulation text and digital regulation solutions.

Want to know more?

Esben Astrup Kristensen
+45 60238365