Our social responsibility and work with CSR is a natural focus in Envidan – both internally in the organization and externally.

The fact that Envidan works with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means, that we consider our social responsibility an important part of our business. This goes for ourselves as an organization as well as the projects we carry out with our clients.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility includes acting in a socially responsible manner both locally and globally, and aiming to create value for society and the stakeholders affected by our activities.
In Envidan, we have a CSR strategy and a Code of Conduct. The CSR strategy describes how we work systematically on our Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Code of Conduct describes how we want ourselves and our partners to act. Our Corporate Social Responsibility is embedded in our corporate strategy and in almost everything we do.
By respecting our Code and Conduct, setting targets for employee satisfaction, aiming for diversity at management levels, sharing our knowledge at conferences or including people and the environment in our daily procurement, we act in a socially responsible manner.
We work with all three aspects of sustainability:
social, economic and environmental sustainability.