The conventional and organic line
The plant is the first among the major Danish biogas plants to establish both a conventional and an organic line. The two lines are kept separate throughout the process from slurry to biogas. The only thing in common is the gas system.
GreenLab Skive Biogas is approved to process up to 500,000 tons of biomass per year. consisting of livestock manure and various residual products from industry and agriculture. At the plant, there has been a strong focus on sourcing these residual products from the local area as much as possible, and the plant’s reception and treatment equipment has been optimized with this in mind. This means, among other things, that deep litter and seed grass from local farmers are processed to a greater extent than glycerine and yeast cream from industrial companies located far outside the local area – in some cases even from foreign factories.
Upgraded biogas for the natural gas grid
The biogas produced is upgraded and fed into the natural gas grid, and can thus be used by all consumers connected to the natural gas grid. In this way, GreenLab Skive Biogas contributes to reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.
The digested manure is returned to the 69 neighboring farms, which supply manure to the plant. The degassed slurry does not emit methane, smells less, and works more effectively as fertilizer than slurry that has not been around the biogas plant. This is because it now also contains nutrients from the residues that are also treated at the biogas plant.
The first upgraded biogas from the plant flowed into the natural gas grid on December 11, 2019.
Local anchoring
The energy company E.ON owns 50% of GreenLab Skive Biogas, while the remaining 50% is owned by a group of local farmers and companies. In this way, a strong local anchorage is ensured around the establishment and operation of the plant. The biogas plant is rented in the business park GreenLab Skive, where full-scale development and testing of future energy forms, green transition, and innovative solutions in the energy field takes place.
Envidan’s role in the project
As a client consultant, Envidan has been responsible for the supervision, contact with contractors, design of the plant, construction of the technical systems such as the process and piping systems, as well as some of the regulatory work.